Plastic storage bins can be the perfect solution for a cluttered garage overflowing with toys, sporting goods, gardening supplies, automotive supplies and seasonal decorations. Relatively inexpensive, plastic bins can be purchased in a variety of sizes and colours. They hide clutter and allow it to be grouped in a manner that makes items easier to find. Maybe you’ve been dreaming of corralling all of the clutter in your garage, but you aren’t sure where to begin. Follow these simple steps and the organized space you’ve envisioned is within reach. Step #1: Install overhead shelving for maximum storage space Most garages consist of three blank walls, limiting storage space to the floor around the perimeter of the garage. When that space is taken, items stored in the garage begin to commandeer one or more of the parking bays. Use the height of the garage to maximize storage space. This can be achieved by storing items in stackable bins. However, if bins are stored along the entire
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