Since the social media craze has started, I see sales managers adamantly encouraging sales people to get out there and meet people. So, online marketing is just one of many channels to improve your lead generation capabilities. It’s definitely a channel that helps create a lot of visibility, but let’s take a look at how some of the best online firms help us create even more business by combining both traditional business networking with social networking:
And, in addition, if you’re a sales manager, there are great ways to leverage social networking while getting your sales people out there in front of people. After all, it all works in combination with each other. And, if you’re not understanding how this might work, ask us at Yenius Interactive Marketing, for a complimentary session to find out how Outsourcing Internet Marketing / Social Media activities can help you build an alternate lead generation channel.
We’ll show you how active real time connections help you develop your online marketing funnel exponentially.
Even social media works much better when you connect with more people in real life.
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