A body which is more often in a rest and relax mode will spend more time metabolizing and digesting which is important to overall health. Tai chi is great for people who have metabolic syndromes as well as a variety of other health issues. It’s low intensity but highly invigorating workout is great for improving health, reducing stress and improving mood. If you would like to experience the health benefits of tai chi, contact us to come in for a trial class.
Why Do People Enjoy Tai Chi? – Ji Hong Tai Chi Mississauga
Personally, I know why tai chi is so beneficial to people and why I enjoy tai chi so much. That’s one of the reasons why I started this blog. However I was curious to know how other people felt about tai chi and the classes we hold here at the studio. Recently, I sent out a survey to everyone to find out what classes are preferred and what people would like to see happen here at Ji Hong Tai Chi Mississauga specifically. I thought you might be interested as well.
Practice Tai Chi to Reduce High Blood Pressure – Ji Hong Tai Chi Mississauga
A meta-analysis of 28 studies of adequate quality showed tai chi to be just as effective as first line antihypertensive medication when tai chi was practiced 3x a week for an hour each time over a period of 20 weeks. And, when they looked at the numbers for people who practiced more than 3 times per week, they found the blood pressure for these people reduced by even more than the traditional pharmacological approaches.
Practice Tai Chi to Reduce High Blood Pressure – Ji Hong Tai Chi Mississauga
A meta-analysis of 28 studies of adequate quality showed tai chi to be just as effective as first line antihypertensive medication when tai chi was practiced 3x a week for an hour each time over a period of 20 weeks. And, when they looked at the numbers for people who practiced more than 3 times per week, they found the blood pressure for these people reduced by even more than the traditional pharmacological approaches.
Is Practicing Weapons in Tai Chi for You? – Ji Hong Tai Chi Mississauga
Learning weapons brings a new level of difficulty to tai chi. It can be challenging and fun at the same time. Learning how to control a weapon in one’s hand can be an exhilarating experience. Even without achieving mastery of the weapon, you’ll still be able to enjoy the thrill of practicing tai chi weapons. Keep an eye out for our weapons training sessions, we offer training in different weapons at different times of the year.
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